What I have learnt during COVID/Lockdown as a business and as an individual.

That businesses/individuals that can adapt and improvise the fastest will be in the best position going forward.

To appreciate what I have, not what I don’t have or what I have lost.

To accept that I have no control over everything in my life ‘control the controllables’.

That it’s okay to have down time to take in negative changes before recalculating a path forward.

That businesses that are clear and upfront with their customers will do better than those that aren’t eg event deliverers should have a transparent event delivery and refund policy for all levels.

To avoid too much COVID media. It will make anyone go insane.

That I need less than I have – buy what I need not what I want.

To understand that others will have different opinions and that’s okay.

To take time for reflective practise when so many changes are happening.

To be kind to others even if they aren’t – everyone deals with situations in their own way.

To ‘do it now’ and take advantage of opportunities that arise when you can, you never know whats around the corner.

That COVID has escalated many trends that were happening or going to happen anyway.

To expect the unexpected but definitely be prepared to change.

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